A very big THANK YOU goes out to the sweetest gal,
Shemaine, for sending me this blog award! Now even though Shemaine is an avid Dodger fan, I still like her (heehee). She has an such an inspiring blog and her scrapbook layouts are absolutely gorgeous and creative! Plus, she's really a sweet, kind-hearted person! So now the pressure is on and I need to step up my creativity!
So this is how this award works...I need to post 7 other bloggers that I adore and then post 7 things that no one knows about me.
There are so many bloggers out there that I have met through the blogging world and they have some amazing creations. I can only pick 7, but here are 7 inspiring bloggers who come to mind (in no particular order) that you must visit:
Katy @
Creations by Katy: Enjoy chatting with you on SCS and always luv your creations!
Lisa @
My Creative Escape: Talk about such fantastic cards...your blog is very inspiring!
Stephanie @
Handmade Creations by Stephanie: Your creations are such amazing eye candy and I am always impressed!
Carole @
Ramblings of a FibreJunky: A wonderful superwoman who does it all and yet still manages to create some awesome projects!
Ky @
The Bunny Nest: You are such a sweet gal to first welcome me to the Unity forum, and you have some terrific projects and cards to inspire all!
Bek @
BloomingPink: I luv your insight and quotes, and you are so multi-talented...scrapper, sews, paints, jewelry, oh my!
Scrappy Pug: So much creativity with your cards and your "Me" book is wonderful!
So here's the deal with my 7 items about me:
1. I LUV my Starbucks (well, you may know this already)!
2. I am such a hoarder of scrap and craft supplies (but who isn't?)!
3. If I had a chance to go out of the country, it would be to Spain!
4. I was on national TV in 1976 (yea, aging myself)..my HS drill team/pep squad was in the Bicentennial celebration and there were 5 of us in the first row to walk down the long steps in the L.A. Coliseum holding flags!
5. I met Garth Brooks...just before he made it big...he held my hand too (I was so excited)!
6. I LUV everything about baseball and I'm so lucky that my son (my love) plays (practically year round)!
7. Donnie Osmond and I are the same age and born on the same day!
Now, it's time for you 7 gals to pass it on! *smile*